Bill Rainey, thanks for your reply:
>The other parameter you want to report to the park is the map
>datum you used. U.S. Topo maps are still commonly NAD 27
>CONUS (North American Datum ...Continental United States). My
>impression is at least GPS units sold in the US default to
>another datum (WGS 84), altho you can set them to convert
>screen output to NAD27 CONUS or many others.
Huh. A different reference point? They've moved Greenwich, or
something? How far off are you in the wrong system?
>Consumer GPS units can sometimes produce startlingly bad
>short term fixes, so a reality check via map software (e.g.,
>National Geographic's Topo or several others) at the position
>you are about to report is usually educational.
I have TOPO, and plan to hook up a GPS to it. I'm looking for one
that's compatible with the Mac (USB) so I don't have to use a serial
port dongle thing.
>The dominant GIS software parks use to map location data
>'expects' decimal degrees as input, though conversion is not a
>big deal (assuming the datum is known).