From: "Dave J" <>
> I'll order one of these. I have always wanted to
> play with a parabolic mic. Would such a reflector
> reduce or increase wind noise?
I suppose this has to be relative.
Any parabolic can shield the mic somewhat from the wind, if the wind
directions are right. And, if the mic is entirely or mostly inside the
dish it's fairly easy to make a wind cover for the opening of the dish
which makes them a lot less susceptible to wind. With my Telinga with
the cover, my limit is when the wind gets to buffeting the dish around
too much to maintain aim.
It's been years since I used a metal parabolic. But, what I remember was
their tendency to ring. Anything hits them, they ring, wind can make
them ring, and so on. So, probably a metal reflector is not as good in
the wind as, say, a plastic one like the Telinga's. If a bug hit's it
you do get very brief vibration, but I can't remember wind vibrating the
Telinga dish.
That is one of your other choices, you can order a spare dish for the
Telinga and build it up. Those have the added advantage that they can be
rolled up for shipping (though not a good idea for everyday). Here's
where to order in the US: