I agree with you.
Let me be more clear on the note that I was trying to reach: this
group should not consider *emulating* (i.e., sound synthesis) as apart
from *recording* but as a natural extension of *recording* and
therefore this group should be more inclusive with *emulators* because
they also are *recorders* or are completely dependent on *recorders*.
There should be no different group for *recorders* and *emulators*. We
should all be in the same group: animal/nature sounds enthousiasts.
I have read more than one message on this group that implied or stated
plainly that *emulators* should post somewhere else, and I disagree
with this. Emulators need recorders and recorders should collaborate
with emulators.
serge masse
--- In Walter Knapp <>
> From: "serge masse" <>
> > The people like the execs at Disney who think that once you have a PC
> > then you don't need recordings are just extremely ignorant.
> Sadly they only reflect the general state of public awareness. Few in
> their target audience will notice.
> Good recordings are about the best we can do to change that. We don't
> have to join them.
> Walt