From: Doug Von Gausig <>
> I have just changed the options on our group to allow attachment of sound
> files to group messages. If any of you objects strongly to this, please let
> us know. I'm doing this to encourage more and easier interchange of actual
> sounds. The new policy is:
> I am attaching a sound to this message as a trial. This is a "mystery"
> sound - I know what it is, but I'd like to get your impressions. I doubt
> you'll be able to ID it, but at least guess the family of birds it's from.
> The answer will surprise you!
> [This message contained attachments]
This was all that remained of your sound in the digest. And I went off
and checked opening the message via web, not there either. So folks that
read the group via digest will be completely left out.
The suggestion of using the files section, or continuing with web
references is about the only way.
I guess that counts me as a firm no vote.