Mark Phinney wrote:
"Nice flickers....although I probably would have dismissed the background b=
ird as a towhee (not having much experience with Bewicks wren)"
The Eastern Towhee and it's western version, the Spotted Towhee have calls =
that can be confused with the Bewick's Wrens found in Arizona. Note that th=
e Bewick's wrens found west and east of Arizona typically have songs that c=
an be confused with a Song Sparrow. I have often wondered about the boundar=
ies of this difference in song.
An example of this similarity is shown in the attached spectra and sound re=
The spectra are of a Bewick's Wren, shown on the left and that of an Easter=
n Towhee on the right. I recorded the wren in Arizona and the towhee in Nor=
th Carolina.
The sound recording is in the same order as the spectra and is of the same =
two birds. The similarity is very close.
Jim Morgan
Prescott, Arizona USA
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