Dear All,
While I do not disagree with Walt re "good enough". I have to point out th=
at there is a great need for somebody out there to maintain the best standa=
rds that it is possible to obtain.
If this means investing in equipment, so be it, as long as it is done wisel=
y and the person doing the investment has the skill to use it.
Accepting a lower than possible standard is an individual thing. If you ar=
e happy with the lower standard, well ok, but in this world where there see=
ms to be a continual "dumming down " of quality for ease of use, it is good=
to know that there is someone out there striving to get the very best qual=
ity recordings.
As for proving that quality over the internet, well forget it !! unless th=
at is you have the system that can download a decent length 24/96 BWAV file=
Roger C Boughton
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