Hello all, I am a longtime reader of this forum and this is my first post.=
I have a couple of questions in regards to equipment needed to capture
quality recordings of nature sounds. I am the proud owner of a new Sony
PCM-1 portable dat. I would like to begin recording my own nature sounds t=
use in Logic Audio to compose ambient/relaxation type music. I am thinking=
of purchasing a Sennheiser ME66 shotgun mic with the K6 power module that
go's with the ME66 element. Then I will have the pistol grip w/shockmount=
and a Rycote windjammer on the shotgun element. Would this be a good
microphone of choice to use for nature recordings?=20
My next question is whcih preamp to use? I already own a Sony SBM-1
which has had the line in and preamp mod's performed by the Oade Brothers. =
So technically I could use the SBM-1 since it has had the preamp mod it has=
lot of available gain on the preamp. Or should I invest in a Lunatec V3 or=
used Lunatec V2 for recording nature sounds? Any advice or suggestions
that you all may be able reply with would be greatly appreciated. Thank yo=
in advance for your help.