--- In Doug Von Gausig <>
Somewhere in this thread you mentioned that you were recording the
sparrows directly to your HardDrive.
I tried that today but only ended up with a heap of electrical
noise. I have an ASUS L1400 Laptop with enough grunt to handle the
task so took it into the field (ie my backyard) and plugged the
Audio-Technica shotgun - via an XLR to 3.5mm mono input jack - into
the PC.
Despite running the PC on batteries (to avoid our 50Hz 240V AC power
supply hum) all I got was electrical noise on the recording.
My guess is that the RF form the PC is sliming its way into the mike
cable; but I'm not sure.
I understand that the XLR is balanced input and that converting it
to a mono 3.5mm jack might cause problems but was wondering what
your set-up is?
Have PC - will not need tape or MD - Greg.