Klas Strandberg wrote:
> That happens. But only to some people. Others have the same battery
> connection for ever. Or rather: You have to replace the accu after some
> years anyway, and if you are careful, the connection will last until then.
> At least that is my reasoning about it.
> But I wonder what kind of handle you have? Is there electronics inside the
> handle? If so, I see no chance to find place also for a common 9 v battery.
> And HOW on earth did you succeed in "deform it"? THAT is very interesting! I
> have tried to do that for years!
I've always thought that was the one flaw in the telinga design, the
battery buried in the handle. A handle molded so that a standard 9 volt
battery would slip in the end would be more to my taste. Such a battery
could be either a common one or a rechargeable. That way you don't get
into having to dig into the handle to replace a failed rechargeable.
I've had other equipment that took a 9 volt that way.
I'd think it could be done with a fairly minor redesign of the mold
shape for the handle. The handle would have to be slightly fatter, but
not by all that much.