Wild Sanctuary wrote:
> No, I don't think it's too narrow a field. A MKH60 will give you a
> different sonic impression than a MKH 40 or 50. Some even like to use
> an omni (MKH20) with the Figure 8. It all depends on what sound is
> pleasing and/or accurate to your ear and considering the flexibility
> of your desired end result. That's why some prefer binaural (and its
> technical relatives), mono (w/ parabolic dishes and shotgun mics),
> and others XY stereo. Whatever system creates the best illusion for
> you both in the field and finally, in the mix, is what works. There
> is no right or wrong, here. Only what you like to hear.
I would certainly agree. I have three different M/S rigs set up right
now, and each gives a different view of the sonic field in front of me.
As you might imagine I feel the MKH-60 M/S version picks up a narrower,
deeper field than that of the MKH-40.
I tend to choose based on the space I wish to record. If I'm standing
surrounded by calling frogs that are close, but over a very wide angle,
I use one of the SASS. Slightly narrower then the MKH-40 M/S will fit
better than the SASS. Even narrower and moderately deep and I'm into the
MKH-60 M/S. And the ultimate in depth and narrowness is the Telinga Pro
V with the Stereo element. Those are only general rules, each situation
and what I'm after is different.
For any given situation several of the mics will give nice recordings
and it's pretty much a personal decision which you like best. So, I
often take the time to record with more than one. Unlike Bernie I've not
had M/S in use for very long. Still learning.
Of my three setups the MKH-60 version sees the most use. The MKH-40
loses to the SASS a lot. If I were to go with just three mics it would
be the SASS/MKH-20, the MKH-60 M/S and the Telinga.
I'm not done in my experiments with M/S. I'm looking for another MKH-30
to pair with a long shotgun. Probably one of my MKH-816's though I'd
love to get a MKH-70. I have no idea how this will turn out. I
originally planned to use the pair of MKH-816's in a XY setup, but
that's very hard to suspend and windshield and very bulky.
One of the big advantages of M/S is size. It has little more bulk than a
mono setup.