Rich Peet wrote:
> This is not an important post or have any real meaning. So disregard
> if you are busy.
> But if the people that study sound can tell from this mono sound file
> if this is as it sounds (a distant fast moving object), I would enjoy
> being able to embellish the story.
> I was 2 miles from any road in the woods and marsh showing a couple
> people sound trapping. Bugs and flys so thick that (fill in the
> rest). And so I was not setup for stereo. Our voices can be heard at
> about 30 to 50 feet. We did not hear this sound. A single me-62 mic
> 6" off a mud flat in a small pothole pond. Recorded with minidisc.
> No edit done of any kind beyond copy to the computer.
> Is this a moving object? Will the spectral display give an indication
> if this is a doppler shift effected sound?
> 400kb download at:
> Rich Peet
To me it sounds most like something like a bird gliding by the mic at a
fair speed (like the dive of a falcon). Could also be a wind noise. Or
tires on wet pavement after a rain.
The sonogram reveals a sound from about 500hz to 4khz. It's got several
distinct components, and all of them drop in frequency and then rise
again. Which makes the bird theory seem wrong, no doppler shift pattern
to it. At least it does not resemble that of clearly audible doppler
shifts I've looked at. I can put up a sonogram if you need one.
I think it's unidentified, and sounds fast enough to be moving through
the air. That's a Unidentified Flying Object or UFO then ;-)