Rich Peet wrote:
>>One of my comments I got about my survey recordings was how I was
>>getting rare recordings of birds, because the bird people quit at
>>sunset. The distribution of night calling birds is much less well
> known
>>than daytime callers. I don't specifically record birds, though I'm
>>doing a little more since finding that out.
> Some of us are paying attention to the nite.
I know that there are those that do pay attention to the night.
The comment I got was from the person managing the local bird survey,
equivalent to the herp survey I play with. They are probably right that
the far majority of birdwatchers don't do night, so the night birds are
underrepresented in surveys.
It's not just birds, a lot of herp folks quit at night too. I know of
several contract surveys for the military bases in the area where the
group doing the survey only worked from 9-5. When I've been out on herp
forays with groups it's hard to get them to go more than a hour or so
after dark at best. Some frogs don't even get going that quickly. While
others quit early. It amounts to going most of the night to be sure.