thorley_tom wrote:
> Many, many thanks for all the responses so far to my sudden
> Plethora of posts.
> Point taken about recording techniques/methods, I would still be
> interested in hearing about peoples personal preferences.
I'm primarily interested right now in learning two stereo methods new to
me, M/S Stereo, and the modified SASS mic. My MKH-20's will probably
spend most of their time in the SASS, and right now it looks like the
MKH-110 version is also going to be a permanent part of my collection.
Not to forget that my primary mic most of the time is a Telinga Pro V
with the DAT Stereo element. The other setups won't have the reach of that.
I also have a pair of MKH-816's that I've not decided just how they will
be set up.
> Looks like a great book. Expensive, but I have made my order.
I keep going back to it for reference, one of the few such books I've
read from cover to cover.
It took me a while to talk myself into spending the money, but I'm happy
I did.
In addition to the book, a fair amount of stuff can be found by trolling
the web. Not as organized, but lots of interesting bits and pieces.
> Thanks for the advice on the MKH 110. Now that I know it is
> relatively easy to create a PSU, do you think =A3200 ($300 approx)
> is a good price for one? (without rycote)
For here in the US that's probably high, but I don't know for your side
of things.