ATRAC compression is a problem in several professional
> recording fiedls,
Walt wrote:
>ATRAC compression is more of a problem in the minds of professionals
than it is in reality.
Matt, Walt,
I am wondering if Matt's comment comes from the perspective of music
creators - are they the Professionals who might be experiencing the
problems because they are manipulating sound and do not want to start
with a compressed file? Is Walt's return comment coming from a very
different perspective - from one who is looking for high quality
recordings of natural sounds? Certainly Marantz must take into
consideration the music industry in their planning much more than the
natural sounds recording industry - that is where the money is, no?
While it might be true that ATRAC is not a problem in "our" field,
is it really not a problem in any other field?
Walt wrote:
>Let's see, solid state. It still amounts to a untried technology with
little track record in field recording.
True, but wasn't MD once an untried technology with little track record?
Someone had to start trying one! If I recall correctly from my music
recording days, the first MD's weren't so good. But nontheless someone
used them to establish a track record.
I must agree with Walt though that it sure would be nice if someone
stuck to some form of storage media/recorder for a long time and we can
get over this endless debate as to what to use in the field! Sure would
be easier to make decisions.....but something tells me Walt that the
company making it wouldn't make too much money on a workhorse machine
that lasted forever and they would eventually run themselves out of
business because they made such a good product! ; ) What irony!
Dave Lauten
Bandon OR