The problem is the CASA site is about airspace and safety. You have to search other sites for other rules. The National Parks authorities have rules on their
website. When I have challenged drone operators in National Parks they respond they are obeying CASA rules, which they can quote.
I had this issue at Morialta Falls in SA, when I saw 2 drones launched on the same day near a breeding pair of Peregrines. The local rangers stepped up patrols
after I told them but their rules are pretty clear down there:
It is an offence to fly drones (remotely piloted aircraft) in South Australia's national parks, reserves
and marine park restricted access zones without
a permit. Permits are considered for scientific research and commercial filming.
NSW are bit more accommodating:
NPWS recognises that drones can sometimes be used in a park for recreational and commercial purposes that are unrelated to park management.
Flying drones in parks can impact visitors and disturb native animals. Drones can also dangerously interfere with fighting bushfires and other park management activities.
Careful management of drone use is required to avoid these risks.
Drone users must get approval before launching, landing or operating a drone from within a park.
As you say someone, with authority, has to enforce the rules.
From: Martin Butterfield <>
Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2020 5:46 AM
To: sandra henderson <>
Cc: Cog line <>
Subject: Re: [Canberrabirds] drones