
Honeyeater migration

To: Jack and Andrea Holland <>
Subject: Honeyeater migration
From: Sue Lashko <>
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 19:10:44 +1000
We spent the weekend at Monga NP, Meroo NP (north of Durras), Little Forest and Tianjara Plateaus (inland from Milton/Ulladulla).  At all places YFHE and WNHE were moving through in flocks of about 4-40.  WNHE seemed  to be less evident after about 10am.  There were also some Red Wattlebird groups of 4-6.

On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 8:10 PM, Jack and Andrea Holland <> wrote:
As far as I can tell no-one has reported any migration over this weekend, despite it being cool overnight.  Has the migration stopped already?  Do others share my feeling that, except for Lindsay Hansch's place in Jerrabomberra, migration through the suburbs hardly occurs now compared with 10-20 years ago?
Jack Holland

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