Sounds like a good idea to me. I am not familiar with KML format, but am
interested to know what the final product will look like, and how we would
use it.
I assume you would be using the WGS84 projection. This would give a final
map slightly different from those maps prepared by Malcolm Fyfe which COG
members now use, because they were based on AGD. As I understand it the
grids would move about 80 metres to the southwest. Or put another way, the
points on the map would move 80 metres to the northeast relative to the old
This may or may not cause some problems with Grid References. The main hot
spot would be I think the Sewage Treatment Ponds which would appear to move
from L14 to M14.
Anyway, COG has to bite the bullet about new maps some time. Your approach
may precipitate a bit of policy reconsideration.
All the best with your project.
Paul Fennell
COG Database Manager
02 6254 1804
0407 105 460
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, 17 July 2008 5:13 PM
Subject: Grid for Newline Paddock
On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 04:10:46PM +1000, Paul Fennell wrote:
> Comments anyone? Maybe someone can knock up a map?
I'm working on a COG grid overlay in KML format for Google Earth;
I'll make it available once it is complete. The basic grid is
laid out, but need to rename the grid squares to match the COG
naming system and do a little fine tuning.
Paul Taylor Veni, vidi, tici -
I came, I saw, I ticked.