Gee = Less than 2 yrs I think:
there must have been quite a turnover in membership. This ranks #4 under
'recurrent topics' on this chatline. [After #1 YFHE migration, #2
Abbreviations (remember the BCHE in the NLP last Winter) and #3 Currawong
trends.] I don't think it has much to do with COG officialdom. My
information might be outdated, but I understand the position to be as follows.
The paddock is government land, being one of the holding
paddocks for the now-disused Oaks Estate abattoirs. However, it is the
subject of a grazing licence which gives the holder the right to graze his
stock without interference. I believe the govt/department position is
that if you want an assurance on right to enter you should speak to the
licence-holder. So far as I know, that person is amiably-disposed
provided people act reasonably, including, for this purpose, not evicting
sheep, stampeding lambing ewes or complaining about them being there. Similar
considerations apply to a lot of places that the wandering Canberra birdwatcher
‘goes onto’ ie behave sensibly, and where appropriate
deferentially, and don’t force the issue.
An adjoining area, the former fireworks store, is now
used for storage of other hazardous materials and might be more sensitive.
I am quite happy to be corrected by a COG official.
Perhaps there is a recent and more formal arrangement with the
licence-holder. Trouble with those is they can entail more explicit
conditions. gd
-----Original Message-----
From: [
Sent: Tuesday, 25 March 2008 5:51 PM
To: Canberrabirds List
Subject: Newline
I've had several people email me privately for directions
to Newline, to which I've responded, but I'm not sure what arrangements, if
any, COG has with the landowner about access to this property. I have a
feeling there was discussion about this on the list a few years ago, but I
can't recall. Can a COG official comment about access to this site?