I've had several people email me privately for directions to Newline, to which
I've responded, but I'm not sure what arrangements, if any, COG has with the
landowner about access to this property. I have a feeling there was discussion
about this on the list a few years ago, but I can't recall. Can a COG official
comment about access to this site?
> wrote: I went to Newline this morning (Easter Monday, 24
> March), not expecting to see much at this time of year, but found the place
> to be a hive of activity! Notably, Striated Pardalotes were everywhere, and
> flying across in small groups - numbers must have been in the hundreds.
> Dusky Woodswallows and Grey Fantails were also very active, with probably in
> excess of 20 of each. 1 Fan-tailed Cuckoo, several Rufous Whistlers, and
> small numbers of White-plumed and Yellow-faced Honeyeaters. 1 Little Eagle.
> The only 'Newline speciality' was 2-3 Brown Treecreepers. The small dam
> still has a surprising amount of water in it, given the lack of rain....plus
> 2 Grey Teal.
> Regards
> Frank Antram
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