
COG's bird blitz

To: <>
Subject: COG's bird blitz
From: "Barbara Allan" <>
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 16:02:45 +1000

A reminder to all COG members signed up for the blitz tomorrow and/or Sunday – let’s see how much of the Territory we can cover, and how many species, and breeding species, we can locate. It will be interesting to compare the results with last year’s, given the very different conditions. Do remember to record all the participants in your group, and to get your datasheets in promptly afterwards.  

We have just had the “all clear” from the Namadgi ranger in charge over the weekend – so those doing their blitzing efforts behind the locked gates have his blessing to enter, on the conditions agreed upon. And please don’t forget to let me know when you get back safely!

And if you can’t get out and do a major survey, we would welcome 20-min, 2-ha surveys from your local park or oval – every contribution helps. Good birding all. b

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