
COG's bird blitz

To: <>
Subject: COG's bird blitz
From: "Barbara Allan" <>
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2006 15:00:45 +1100

It’s good to see the messages flowing in, some to the chat line and some privately. I’m glad so many of you got out and enjoyed some spring birding, and in the knowledge that you were contributing to an overall COG goal to record a snapshot of our avifauna across the ACT on one spring weekend. I look forward to the records as soon as possible, so that I can prepare a preliminary account for December Gang-gang and a more detailed one for CBN. I’ve already received 42 datasheets, covering 23 grid cells, and with a current total of 114 species seen – a total which will rise steeply, on the basis of the chat line remarks.

I enjoyed immensely my two days out and about – 80 species, including breeding Scarlet and Flame Robins, White-faced Heron and many more. In terms of spectacle, I warmly recommend the Xanthorrhoea grove on the Gibraltar Rocks trail at Tidbinbilla – the majestic flower spikes are festooned with feeding honeyeaters and silvereyes, and used as perches by an amazing array of species, from Grey Butcherbirds to Dusky Woodswallows. b

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