Thanks Carl for drawing our attention to this article.
At first I thought it might just be the time of the year that gave him
lean pickings, but then it appears he is experienced and observant and
is on to something serious.
If you want to see some of the plastic junk in an even more remote
part of the Pacific. Go into Google Earth, turn photos on and do a
goto for -24.349154 -128.305751 Zero in until you see only one
photo symbol. Click on it to see three photos entitled: "Trash on
the east Beach, impressive amounts" This is on Henderson Island east
of the remote Pitcairn Island.
A couple of months ago I saw 7-10 photos of trash - I thought it was
on Ducie or Oeno island, and I estimated one 10 tonne truck load per
10 metres of beach. Unfortunately I cannot find that link tonight.
& I thought the amount of plastic on Chilli Beach on Cape York was
something to worry about!
Happy birding
Mike Tarburton
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