These discussions tend to generate a lot of digression and discourse about
hardly related topics. For instance, there have been almost as many postings
about the number of birders in UK versus Australia as there have actually
about night parrot. I would like to find out more about this bird by sharing
knowledge about it - after all, this is a very powerful forum for this
I have a couple of issues for consideration:
1. Why do we believe night parrot is actually nocturnal? I am going to pose
a hypothesis for discussion, thus:
***Night parrots are considered nocturnal because, i) hardly anyone ever
walks through their habitat during the day; and ii) because most sightings
are made when the animals are 'on the move' (rather like roos) in the
evening, travelling to and from watering holes like other similar-sized
parrots e.g. Bourke's parrot. Night parrot is not nocturnal at all. This
assumption derives entirely from sampling bias.
My next hypothesis:
***Night parrot is, like many other Australian birds, nomadic. However, even
nomadic birds occur in some areas 'regularly' and can be seen with some
reliability. If the first hypothesis is correct, we hypothesise that the
Diamantina region is an area where night parrot occurs consistently and that
a given level of effort (of unknown person-hours) would result in the bird
being found regularly.
Please respond to the list, not to me. And try not to digress from the point
- keep responses to the thread relevant to the thread, or else set up a new
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