Birdline Western Australia
Published sightings for the week ending 18 May 2014.
Tue 13 May
Carnaby's Black Cockatoo
approx 2km north of the Yanchep NP turn-off on Waneroo Rd
A very large flock of white tailed black cockatoos containing at least 200 birds headed slowly inland but spread on both sides of the road.
The number and ID were agreed between passengers in 2 cars heading south from Jurien.
Ken Glasson
Mon 12 May
Crested Shrike-tit, Western Ground Parrot
Brookton Hwy
Crested Shrike-tit (race leucogaster) off Brookton Hwy (Yarra Rd) east of Perth finished an adventurous eight days of SW birding, during which time I managed to see all of my targeted birds, from the two races of Western Corella through to Western Ground Parrot. Toughest of these proved to be the Shrike-tit, for which I spent equivalent to two and a half days (failed at Dryandra and Walpole – two places where I’ve seen them in the past). The specific Ground Parrot location at Cape Arid NP is a sensitive issue, and I’ve agreed to not pass this on. The good news is that I heard at least 5 birds within a relatively small area at both at dusk and dawn, and saw no sign of cats nor foxes. Despite continuous downpour from shortly after dawn, I saw one bird run across track an hour or so after sunrise. Helpful advice for finding many of the other species was generously provided by local dynamic duo John Graff and Nigel Jackett - without the help of whom I would have really struggled for some of the species. Also Spanish-come-Aussie birder Maria helped me find Baudin’s Cockatoo.
John Weigel
Brown Skua
City Beach
Patrolling within 100-200 m of the shore for a few minutes at 7:30 this morning.
Mark Stanley
Fri 9 May
Western Bowerbird, Slaty-backed Thornbill, Black-eared Cuckoo
Kirkalocka Station, Mount Magnet (Homestead)
Highlights of a visit to this excellent property were; at least 1 Western Bowerbird at a bower, 2 Slaty-backed Thornbills, 3 Little Woodswallows, 3 Redthroat, a few Crested Bellbirds, good numbers of Mulga Parrots and a very obliging Black-eared Cuckoo (a long overdue tick for me!).
Thanks to the property owners for letting us stay
Stuart Pickering and Colin Reid
Tue 6 May
Crested Shrike-tit
Porongurup National Park
2 birds showed very well around the car park,also lots of nesting Purple-crowned Lorikeets, 4 Western Yellow Robins and a few Rufous Treecreepers
Stuart Pickering and Colin Reid
Sun 27 Apr
Abbotts Booby
South of Browse Island
Abbott's Booby – A single bird south of Browse Island was the first our group has recorded in waters less than 200 m deep. We've now logged more than 10 in waters off NW Australia but all previous records have been of birds in pelagic (>200m) waters..
Rowan Mott, George Swann,Amanda Lilleyman, Ash Herrod, Shane Baylis, Rohan Clarke et al.
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