Birdline Australia
Published sightings for the week ending 4 May 2014.
Sat 26 Apr
Grey Falcon
Diamantina Lakes NP, Queensland
Exciting moment when 'small' bird on Coms tower adjacent to Diamantina Lakes NP offices emerges from scope view to be Grey Falcon. I thought the tower was too far from the riverine aspects of the park, but was pleased to be proved wrong. Continuing on solo arid districts birding trek that began at southern tip of Yourke Peninsula, SA on 15th April before 'zig-zagging up the state with successful viewing and photography of all prospective speciality species, including all possible Graswrens, (six ssp / 5 spp so far plus all other specialist species including Mallefowl, all three Whitefaces, Letterwing Kites in Merty Merty region, etc, in some cases in new locations, following difficulty finding in traditional locales. Spent a glorious two days at Bowra,sighting, among many specialist species, a glimpse view of fighter-plane-like Grey Falcon crashing through camp at Sawpits at high speed.
John Weigel
Grey Falcon
On Arumpo Road. Approx. half way along unsealed road to Mungo NP., New South Wales
Three birds seen on roadside and flew to fence posts at approx. 10:15am. At one stage, two birds were perched on the same post. Photographed and viewed from some distance for around 5 minutes.
Graham Collins and Anne Collins
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