Birdline Northern Territory
Published sightings for the week ending 21 Jul 2013.
Thu 11 Jul
Arafura Fantail
Mamukala Billabong
A pair of Arafura Fantails building a nest. The link is to a video my 9 year old son took, after waiting patiently until the right moment
Richard Waring
Hooded Parrot
Edith Falls area
Around 100 birds located near the watering hole on the road to Edith Falls, around 5.1 km from the Stuart Highway.
Bernie O'Keefe
Wed 10 Jul
Gouldian Finch
Edith Falls area
Eight birds located in the area 5.1 km's from the Stuart highway. Also Long tailed, Mask finches found in reasonable numbers.
Bernie O'Keefe
Mon 8 Jul
Beach stone Curlew
East Point (Darwin)
Two birds located over a number of days near the point.
Bernie O'Keefe
Sat 6 Jul
Rainbow Pitta
Howard Springs
A number of birds heard calling along the main track on the left from the toilets.
Bernie O'Keefe
Thu 4 Jul
Great-billed Heron
Katherine Gorge
One bird located on the second gorge while enjoying the tour.
Bernie O"keefe
Mon 1 Jul
Chestnut Quilled Rock Pigeon
Bardedjilidji, Kakadu National Park
Two birds located around 4 pm between markers 3-6
Bernie O'Keefe
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