Hi Phil,
I reckon the chatting would mean your list for the day would be lower, not
because of flushing birds (unless someone is unduly loud), but because of
missing birds while your mind isn't on the job at hand.
Nevertheless - birds do have a way of being obvious sometimes when folk are
Allan Richardson
Morisset NSW
On 11/07/2013, at 3:17 PM, Philip Veerman wrote:
> Peter wrote: "I'm also wondering if making voice notes ever spooks birds."
> That struck me as amusing. Mainly because my formative birding years were as
> a young teenager with the BOCA in the early 1970s. I recall many loud
> chatterings among excited people looking at birds. Amusing chat of people
> talking not just amongst but to themselves. Social groups are still like
> that. Surely Peter has also been with a group of birders looking at birds
> and discussing what it is - or discussing the weather or football or
> anything else. And been able to see the reaction. Then again it is hard to
> know if people talking is what would make a bird move away. Yes of course
> for some birds quietness helps but I doubt that one person discretely
> talking into a machine held a few cm from their face is a problem.
> But thanks to Peter for adding a subject line........
> Philip
> -----Original Message-----From:
> On Behalf Of Peter Shute
> Sent: Thursday, 11 July 2013 3:35 AM To: Carl Clifford Cc:
> <> Subject: Re: [Birding-Aus] Recorders for
> note taking - was (no subject)
> Has anyone tried these small recorders in the wind? It would be
> disappointing if you couldn't hear your notes later because of wind rumble.
> I'm also wondering if making voice notes ever spooks birds.
> Peter Shute
> Sent from my iPad
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