All native species of birds are protected in Victoria with permits being
required to capture, tag, shoot or otherwise. In regards to capture and tag,
researchers need animal ethics approval before DEPI (Dept of Environment and
Primary Industries - formerly DSE) will issue a research permit. Game shooters
need a gun licence and do the duck id test, while those culling cockies etc
need to apply to depi for a permit to cull a set number.
Yours in all things "green"
John Harris
Croydon, Vic
Owner - Wildlife Experiences
Nature Photographer
Wildlife Guide
President, Field Naturalists Club of Victoria
----- Reply message -----
From: "Jeremy O'Wheel" <>
To: "Debbie Lustig" <>
Cc: "birding-aus" <>
Subject: Shooting coots
Date: Thu, May 23, 2013 20:45
This might be a silly question, but why are coots protected? Is it because
of population numbers, or because historically they're not eaten? Or some
othere reason?
On 23/05/2013 3:52 PM, "Debbie Lustig" <> wrote:
> With three weeks of the season to go, Coalition Against Duck Shooting
> rescuers have retrieved fully 224 dead coots and taken 30 wounded coots to
> veterinary care. If you find this unacceptable, please write to the
> Premier,
> your local state MP, and the shadow Opposition Leader, Daniel Andrews.
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