Published sightings for the week ending 5 May 2013.
Sun 5 May
Freckled Ducks, Black-tailed Native-hens
Seven Mile Lagoon, Lockyer Waters
c90 Freckled Duck on the edge nearest the road, many Australian Shovelers, Pink-eared Duck, Hoary-headed Grebes and 1 Blue-billed Duck (along with commoner ducks) etc. c20 Black-tailed Native-hens on an adjacent pond along with c8 Banded Lapwings (all in an hour this afternoon).
Rob Morris & Paul Walbridge
Freckled Duck
Moggill Road Wetland, Moggill
3 still present this afternoon
Rob Morris & Paul Walbridge
Little Eagle
Maroochydore rd / Sunshine Motorway
Single bird over highway
Tim Siggs
Black Kite
Paradise Point
Noisy Miners alerted me to 3 Black Kites moving south this morning. First time I have seen this species in the area.
Todd Burrows
Sat 4 May
Black Kite
Caloundra Road
4 Birds circling low over Caloundra Road
Tim Siggs
Wandering Tattler
Alexandra Headlands, Sunshine Coast
One breeding plumage Wandering Tattler at Alexandra Headlands (lots of people and dogs on the rocks).
Nikolas Haass & Raja Stephenson
Red-footed Booby
Sunshine Coast pelagic
In addition to the birds posted by Greg, we also had an intermediate morph Red-footed Booby (plus two Australasian Gannets). Also of note were two older immature (but not adult) Pomarine Jaegers.
Nikolas Haass & Raja Stephenson and everyone else on the Sunshine Coast Pelagic
White-faced Storm-Petrel
Sunshine Coast pelagic
at least 2 birds offshore
Greg Roberts & 12 others
White Tern
Sunshine Coast pelagic trip
3 birds off the shelf seen separately
Greg Roberts & 12 others
Kermadec Petrel
Sunshine Coast pelagic trip
1 dark phase, 2 pale phase: also 60 Providence Petrel, 30 Tahiti Petrel - exception numbers of Tahiti Petrel for this time of year
Greg Roberts & 12 others
Beenleigh 10' Cell
Birds seen whilst travelling through cell in early morning around 0800 and late afternoon around 1600 - travelling to visit Maleny Wood Show.
Cockatiel (1) Normal grey and white coloured male bird, yellow face with red spot, sitting on powerlines along Alamein Street - could be wild bird, could be escapee.
Sandra Gallienne
Spotted Harrier
Oxley Creek Common
Spotted Harrier flying low over grasslands and around Pelican Island. 5 species of raptor seen including Kestrel, Black-shouldered & Brahminy Kites and Osprey. We watched a Spangled Drongo twice chasing and harrying a Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike until the BFCS dropped its prey from its beak into the air, to be successfully snatched up by the ensuing drongo.
Judith Hoyle and Deborah Metters
Freckled Duck
Dowse Lagoon, Sandgate
Apologies for yet another Freckled Duck report, but this one is worth posting because it is so easily seen from the bird hide off Deagon St. Look towards the tip of the island across from the hide. Also the first eremaea record for this site.
Steve Murray
Fri 3 May
Hoary-headed Grebe, Yellow-billed Spoonbill
Kedron Brook Wetlands
Still Hoary-headed Grebe (1) & Yellow-billed Spoonbill (2) but no sign of Freckled or Pink-eared duck.
Also observed sea eagle taking cygnet from water
Chris Attewell
Fri 3 May
Square-tailed Kite
Mt Glorious
Passing quickly overhead, above rainforest, near upper carpark of Maiala Park.
Roger Jaensch
Thu 2 May
Red-kneed Dotterel
North Wynnum (Lytton Wader Roost)
At least 75 birds in shallow open water, presumably brackish or saline, either side of bird hide. Aggregations of large numbers more typically reported in freshwater habitats.
Roger Jaensch
Wed 1 May
Freckled Duck, Banded Lapwing
Thompson River Longreach
Around a dozen Freckled Duck on the Thompson River, 1.2kms upstream from the weir with the usual suspects (pink-eared ducks, grey teal, yellow billed and royal spoonbill, black-tailed native-hens, Pelican).
10 or so Banded Lapwing seen in some paddocks adjoining the town common.
Henry Cook
Mon 29 Apr
Black Kite
Oxley Brisbane
Black Kite flying around suburban Oxley near the Boral brickworks land.
Deborah Metters
Jabiru, Freckled Duck, Shoveler, Diamond Dove, Swamp Harrier
Lockyer - Adare, Jahnkes Lagoon & Seven Mile
Lone Diamond Dove on unsealed section of Adare Rd just past creek crossing looking a bit tired and lonely. Swamp Harrier gliding low over Jahnke's Lagoon annoying a perched Whistling Kite. Jabiru, Freckled Ducks and Shovelers at Seven Mile. For those non-birders, we also found a Rufous Bettong on Adare Road.
Deborah Metters
Flock of 20 near Gympie
Greg Roberts
Black Kite
Moggill Road Wetland, Moggill
40 + moving S.W. Three Freckled Duck still present.
David Redhead
Black-tailed Native-hen
Banool Rd, Lockyer Waters
16 birds foraging on the western side of the small lagoon, late pm, easily visible from road
Ian and Jill Brown, Rae Clark
Sun 28 Apr
spotted quail thrush
south boundary road, brisbane forest park
single bird (male) flew into tree above track for great views
justin watson
Musk Duck
Wongi State Forest & Lake Lenthall
2 birds.. close or at northern limit of range of this species, normally very rare in SEQ
Greg Roberts
Freckled Duck
Wongi State Forest & Lake Lenthall
15 birds in a flock, also 18 Cotton Pygmy-Goose
Greg Roberts
Cape Barren Goose
UQ Gatton campus
The CBG was on the opposite side of campus from Lake Galletly with a large flock of Magpie Geese on Sunday morning. While it is quite possible this is an escape, it is not carrying a ring, and was wary and alert when a tractor passed about 50 metres away. Also, according to the first atlas of Australian birds, there were small flocks of 'apparently wild birds' near Ivanhoe in northern NSW in 1974. Given the influx of some other water birds, I guess there is a good chance that this is a wild bird.
Rod Gardner
Sat 27 Apr
Black Kite
Minnippi Parklands, Tingalpa
3 soaring & chased by 2 crows, southside of Bulimba Ck carpark.
Arthur & Sheryl Keates
Black Kite
Bruce Highway
13 just south of Anzac Ave Exit,Griffin. 8 at Narangba Exit.
David Redhead