Hi Chris,
If the proposal is indeed for "carefully selected vermin controllers" to
operate in a controlled way (ie closing areas of the park etc, supervised so
that there aren't multiple shooters parties in the same area etc) then i think
it is a very different discussion.
I would honestly love to be pointed to the details of this please if you have
them as I would love to see the facts of it.
In terms of numbers of people dying compared to other sources - I don't think
any new way of people being killed is acceptable. One death due to a poorly
constructed political manoeuvring is one death too many sorry. Especially a
death that could be prevented. And i don't care if the death is the death of a
hunter or birdwatcher - they are all people.
I'm sorry if that sounds emotive - it is certainly meant as honest rational
query and concern.
On 30/07/2012, at 5:59 PM, "Chris Brandis" <> wrote:
> How about stopping all the emotive rubbish. More birders die on the road
> driving to their birding spots than will ever be shot be carefully selected
> vermin controllers. Judging by the amount of foxes and cats on the western
> slopes the NPWLS has not done a cull for generations and it is only the cars
> that are doing their bit as I counted 8 dead and 3 live foxes in 75 Km south
> of Cowra.
> Cheers Chris
> PS some of the best birding in the Biosphere Conservation Park (next to
> Gluepot) is run by the shooting fraternity.