I found out about the J W Lewin book when I heard an interview with the author,
Richard Neville, on Radio National (“RN, your world unravelling”) a few days
The audio of the interview can be heard by going to the Radio National website
http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/ and entering the word “Lewin” in the
“Search” box (not the ABC Search box although that might work as well). Select
the item about J W Lewin.
I appear to have been a little too oblique for some people in my original
posting when I mentioned this book so I will try to straighten that up somewhat.
That posting was originally intended to point out that some publishers (at
least one, anyway) in Australia do, at times, use capitals for the initial
letters of bird common names.
Receiving a copy of the book as I was actually composing a comment on the
subject of capitalising bird common names (that is, using capitals for the
initial letters of the names) gave me the opportunity to advise that the book
is available.
I felt sure that there would be many birders very interested in the book and,
after seeing the wonderful reproductions of so many pieces of artwork in the
book, I decided to mention it.
I will admit that, in my follow-up posting about J W Lewin, I did adopt a style
which could be termed “perversely humorous” (thank you Wendy) but I make no
apologies for that.
I was a little disappointed that no one had commented on the book after my
mention of it but I have since been somewhat gladdened by the subsequent
responses. It seems a little light, perverse humour can work positively at
If anyone had not heard of the book previous to my posting they could have
taken my ‘hint’ and undertaken an internet search on “j w Lewin” and quickly
found what I was writing about.
The suggestion to do an internet search for more information is often made by
people on this forum when someone posts a sighting report without giving full
details of the location.
That suggestion was made a few days ago in response to a posting about a
sighting in the Border Ranges NP.
Incidentally, I have declared my pleasure with the J W Lewin book a few times
but I must declare a slight disappointment with the publisher. In the first few
pages I have so far found two glaring examples of errors in printing in the
form of ‘stray’ words and inappropriately duplicated words. Still, it is a
surprisingly affordable book and one I am glad to have in my bookshelf.
Bob Inglis
Sandstone Point
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