Hi Bob,
Sorry, I must be missing something. Your post carries an implied criticism of
Birding-Aus users for their lack of interest in the release of this book.
Not sure whether I would have shown any interest or not, but the point is, this
is the first I have heard of it.
I'm not sure how people were meant to know it was being released, in order to
be criticised for their lack of interest??
John Tongue
Ulverstone, Tas.
On 12/04/2012, at 6:50 PM, Robert Inglis wrote:
> So, nobody was interested in there being a brand new book (with many
> wonderful reproductions of the artwork of a number of wildlife artists) by an
> Australian author about John William Lewin whose name is (possibly, but
> dependant on the whims of re-classifiers) immortalised in the species names
> as well as the common names of two (as far as I can tell) of Australia’s (my)
> birds.
> Ahhh....well..........
> Bob Inglis
> Sandstone Point
> Qld
> PS: I paid full price for my copy and I am happy to promote it without
> receiving any kickback.
> Sent from my new personally designed and assembled desktop PC.
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