G'day Jeff & Richard Jeff, you just beat me to correcting Richard's slip-up.
Another great spot for modestus is the Mt Lyndhurst area - maybe Richard you
have seen them there (& maybe since forgotten about it) when you've been
searching for the CB Whitefaces - there's quite a few of them out there...
Cheers Martin CachardCairns0428 782 808
> From:
> To: ;
> Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2011 19:36:23 +1100
> Subject: Re: [Birding-Aus] New Grasswren Species
> I have some bad news for you Richard, you still haven't seen the second half
> of the split Thick-billed Grasswren.
> The birds in the Gawlers are ssp myall of the Western Grasswren textilis
> which you have already seen, you should have gone to the Flinders not the
> Gawlers, it's an Eyrean basin division of the two species. Short-tailed on
> the other hand straddles the basin with a ssp on either side.
> Cheers Jeff.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> On Behalf Of Richard Baxter
> Sent: Monday, 21 November 2011 7:19 PM
> To: birding-aus
> Subject: [Birding-Aus] New Grasswren Species
> Hello all,
> With the recent release of the new 2011 Australian Birdlist,
> which includes several updates from the 2008 list, I found myself needing
> another grasswren. The newly split Thick-billed GrasswrenAmytornismodestus(
> Gawler Ranges SA etc).
> I'd only previously seenA textilis, which is now called Western Grasswren
> from Shark Bay, Monkey Mia etc.
> Having a couple days spare after seeing the Hoopoe in Broome I decided to
> head down to Mt Ive Station in the Gawler Ranges. Mt Ive is about seven
> hours drive from Adelaide Airport and with dry roads can be reached with a
> 2WD or SUV quite easily.
> Birdlife in general wasn't all that abundant, with most of the species seen
> at the station visible on the drive in. Despite the general lack of birds,
> the Grasswren were plentiful. I stayed in the stone cottage and had
> seen modestuswithin minutes of arriving and within 100m of my accommodation.
> I walked down the side of the main dam, adjacent to the runway. At the
> back of the dam wall there was a depression, which although dry, obviously
> often holds water. A quick squeak and out popped three grasswren.
> The other species on the property and also close to the accommodation is the
> A.m.pedleri sub species of Short-tailed Grasswren. To see this I parked at
> the base of Mt-Ive and walked straight up the hill to the aerial. I saw two
> birds on the way up and a further three on the top. Again, very easy to
> see.
> This ssp is very different in appearance to the Flinder's Ranges race.
> Note: The new 2011 Australian Birdlist download Excel version is on Tony
> Palliser's Birder's Total webpage.
> Cheers
> Richard Baxter
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