A propos the postings re ASPs, I have just reported the following sighting
from yesterday to Birdline Victoria. Richard
Australian Painted Snipe
5 Nov 2011
Small pond just inside Serendip Sanctuary northern fenceline on Plains Rd,
Four experienced birders (2 from the UK, 1 from the USA, and this reporter)
were watching 2 close Emu bathing ("squatting" really) in a small pond just
off the road when a snipe flushed from the muddy/grassy edge, flying across
the road in clear view. All four of us called "snipe" and immediately after
"Painted Snipe" due to the distinctive appearance of the bird, even on the
wing. All observers had prior experience with Painted Snipe spp.
What would have been in most years a remarkable sighting seems a little less
unexpected and consistent with the significantly increased numbers of APS
sightings being reported this year.
Richard Nowotny
-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Mike Honeyman
Sent: Sunday, 6 November 2011 5:39 PM
To: ;
Subject: Australian Painted Snipe
Hi Keith / all
A good year indeed!
I've been helping on a project going back through historic records of
APS sightings recently, and it is noticeable that this scarce species
has always had intermittent good years following seasons of good
rainfall, after which it largely disappears again.
Decades ago the good years occasionally saw post breeding flocks of
10-20 birds (APS are polyandrous so one female can foist a brood on a
couple of males!) which would be amazing if it were to happen again.
Especially if a flock hangs around Altona like they did about fifty
years ago!
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