Sun 30 Oct
Lewin's Rail, Spotless & Baillon's Crake, Black-tailed Native-hen
McPhersons Rd Swamp, Tuggerah
With the Birds Aust. Twitchathon in progress yesterday, McPherson rd Swamp was visited by a number of people and teams. Birds seen and heard there today and over the last 3 days included 3 Baillon's Crakes, 3 Spotless Crakes, a Lewin's Rail, a Brown Goshawk, 4 Chestnut-breasted Mannikins, and the Black-tailed Native-hen is still showing well
Alan Morris, Mike Kuhl, Steven Edwards and Kaye Pointer et al
Wandering Tattler
Flat Rock, Ballina
Single Wandering Tattler on Flat Rock this afternoon. Also Sanderling, Red-necked Stint, Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, Whimbrel, Ruddy Turnstone, Lesser Sand-Plover, Little Tern, Common Tern, Crested Tern, Gull-billed Tern & Silver Gull. Plus an Aust Gannet & a Humpback Whale seen off-shore.
Warning - local newspaper has reported a spate of vehicle break-ins at Flat Rock car park.
Steve McBride
Bobbin Head Rd Turramurra (Pacific Highway end)
Single bird circling over my house this afternoon approx 2:30pm. Came up from the east and then found a thermal and rapidly gained height when I lost sight of it
Tom Wilson
Grey Currawong
Bells Line of Road
A few minutes after remarking that Grey Currawongs are almost never seen on Bells Line of Road, I spot one feeding with a Pied Currawong next to the road! This was a few kms east of Pierces Pass Picnic Area. After having a good look at the GC, 500 metres later, we see another one. There's got to be some connection to the laws of birding here...
Joshua Bergmark, Nathan Ruser, Henry Coleman (Knight Parrots)
Red Knot (3)
Long Reef Marine Reserve
3 Red Knots feeding with Grey-tailed Tattlers near the roosting area.
Joshua Bergmark, Nathan Ruser, Henry Coleman (Knight Parrots)
Little Egret, Red-necked Avocet
Sydney Olympic Park Waterbird Refuge
12+ Avocets viewed from the bird hide, and a single Little Egret up the very back.
Joshua Bergmark, Nathan Ruser, Henry Coleman (Knight Parrots)
*Possible* Ruff
Pitt Town Lagoon
About 10:00am (during the twitchathon), we waded through the very full Pitt Town Lagoon along the fence line. At the end where the water goes past the fence into a paddock, there was a single wader with yellow-ish legs. First thought was Wood Sandpiper, but as it flew we noted there was a clear black band on the tail, which ruled out WSP. This left only Sharp-tailed Sandpiper as an option, but no matter how much we looked, there was NO hint of chestnut on the head. Unfortunately, we were unable to get views under 25 metres to confirm anything, but we have come to the tentative conclusion based on various ID features that it was a non-breeding female Ruff. Note we are not claiming anything, but inviting other birders to check it out (it may end up being a weird-looking Sharpie!). To access where it was you will have to wade through water up to your ankles (not too deep). Also 6 Pink-eared Ducks present at the same location.
Joshua Bergmark, Nathan Ruser, Henry Coleman (Knight Parrots)
Regent Honeyeater
Barraba Bird Route 10 (Bundarra Road, Mugga Ironbark, 35km East of Barraba
Single bird, chased by Noisy Miners and Friarbirds, 10am.
Jon & Alison Elliott, Lyn Fragar, Richard Clarke
Sat 29 Oct
Ground Cuckoo-shrike
Lashbrook Road, Thule
Just after seeing the Ostriches found 2 Ground Cuckoo-shrikes along Lashbrooks Road. Flew across the road and then cuddled upto each other. At least 7 adult Ostriches seen as reported earlier
Tim Bawden
Pink-eared Duck
Purry Burry Point Primbee
The Pink-eared Duck have been to Lake Illawarra many years ago, 6 Pink-eared Ducks arrived today in NE corner of Lake Illawarra, from the older reports some 20 odd years ago a 100 + were seen in Southern Part of Lake Illawarra
Charles Dove
White-winged Trillers, Pallid Cuckoos, Rufous Songlarks
Marsden Park and Schofields (Blacktown LGA)
There are currently loads of Rufous Songlarks about in Marsden Park, Riverstone and Schofields (the best season I have experienced for them in the Blacktown area), 5 male White-winged Trillers in 3 areas in both Marsden Park and Schofields, several Pallid Cuckoos (Marsden Park and Schofields) plus a very good range of other birds including lots of Scarlet Honeyeaters, Restless Flycatcher, Dusky Woodswallows, White-throated Gerygone, Shining Bronze-cuckoo etc.
Edwin Vella
White-throated Needletail
Lindfield oval, Sydney
50+ in a flock
Rowan Lord
Fri 28 Oct
Buff banded Rail
Albion Street Pennant Hills
Rail spotted on suburban footpath. 6:30 pm. @ No. 52.
Assume proximity to Lane Cove Nat Park.
Sharon Muffett
Black Bittern
Lane Cove National Park
One black bittern was kind of fighting with a kookaburra on the track around Fairyland park, late afternoon. Both flew away when they noticed me.
Fatih Sam
Magpie Geese
Condobolin Sewer Treatment Works
3 adult birds present, along with Plumed Whistling Ducks, Buff Banded Rail,Pink Ears and Hardheads. Things are starting to dry out very quickly.
Warren Chad
Pink-eared Duck
Pitt Town Lagoon
1 pair present. Maybe another sign that inland is starting to dry.
Carol Abbott
Thu 27 Oct
Brush Cuckoo
Brown's Field, Campbell Drive, Wahroonga
A Brush Cuckoo has been calling continuously from before dawn 'til after dusk for several days and was briefly sighted today at 6.00PM in a Turpentine near the tennis court.
Nick Billington
Wood Sandpiper
Pitt Town Bottoms Road
One Wood Sandpiper on wetland on left side of road opposite golf course.
Keith Brandwood
Little Bittern and Whiskered Tern
Pitt Town Lagoon
Little Bittern calling N/E side of Lagoon.
one Whiskered Tern feeding over Lagoon.
Keith Brandwood
Baillon's Crake, Spotless Crake & Black-tailed Native-hen
McPherson Rd Swamp, Tuggerah
A visit to the swamp late this afternoon on a dull overcast day found the Black-tailed Native-hen feeding out in the open, fleeting views of both a Baillon's Crake and a Spotless Crake, a Latham's Snipe flew over the swamp, an Australian Hobby went hunting over the reedbeds and a Brown Goshawk circled the site. Little & Tawny Grassbirds, Cisticolas, Red-browed Finches and Hardheads were also seen, and a Swamphen was shepharding 3 small chicks. Earlier in the day i was there for a short time and saw an Australasian Bittern, I am 95% sure of my observation, as the bird flushed close to me but I was not carrying binoculars!! Damn!! It flushed twice!
Alan & Tim Morris
Peregrine Falcon
Cheltenham Road, Burwood, Sydney, NSW
Observed at 3:50pm perched on a telegraph wire next to Wangal Park. I saw the bird while turning into Cheltenham Road and my reaction was that it was not a bird I usually see,It had a black helmet with white neck. I observed banding on the tail and my thought it was a member of the cuckoo family, but then I saw the beak. The beak was hooked as for a raptor and dark in colour. I could see part of a black ring on the rear of the neck and the upper body was dark olive green/grey.
Alan Doughty
Buff-banded Rail
Lane Cove River Tourist Park
Pair of Buff-banded Rail seen within the grounds of the Lane Cove River Tourist Park. Tourist Park located within Lane Cove National Park. Seen on other occasions by different observers.
Tom Rambaut
Wed 26 Oct
Painted Snipe, Pheasant Coucal
Macquarie Marshes, North-central NSW
A 'wisp' of four Painted Snipe seen in a Water Couch area on a private area of the Macquarie Marshes Ramsar site, plus a lone Pheasant Coucal in the Monkeygar Creek Reedbed.
Tim Hosking, David Geering
Flesh-footed Shearwater, Arctic and Pomarine Jaegers.
Mistral Point, Maroubra
Thousands of Wedge-tailed and Short-tailed Shearwaters streaming south today, amonst them were : 2 Sooty Shearwaters, 3 Hutton's Shearwaters, 1 Flesh-footed Shearwater, 150 Fluttering Shearwaters, 7 Black-browed Albatross, 1 Arctic and 1 Pomarine Jaeger.
David Mitford and Ray Gobbe
Scarlet-chested Parrot
23km Nth of Broken Hill on Silver City Hwy
Two Scarlet-chested Parrots seen 23km. NNE of Broken Hill on the Silver City Hwy. Flew over the car and landed on the west side of the road. (Moderator's Comment: This species on the NSWORAC Review List and is subject to review)
John & Sue O'Malley
Tue 25 Oct
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
Tharawal P.S. Menai
Mug Lair Cocky.
Spotted feeding in group of 10 on grass. One with comb not in centre of head BUT protruding from behind left eye.
Keith Corbett
Superb Fruit Dove
Callan Park - Rozelle, Sydney NSW
Walking at Dusk, rainy evening, found bird on pathway unable to fly. Taken to Balmain Vet Hospital where identification was made. Bird was warmed and rehydrated and fed. No injuries found by vet exam. The stated they would get wildlife carer to take the bird and when fit to fly release it.
Michelle Bryant-King
Pallid Cuckoo, Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo
Woodford, Blue Mountains
A Pallid Cuckoo and a Horsefiel's Bronze-Cuckoo seen about a minute apart at the same location along Riches Ave Firetrail at Woodford in the mid mountains. This is my first record at Woodford for both of these species in 20 years of birding.
Mark Ley
White-throated Needletail
Ocean Drive, Port Macquarie
Approximately 200 WTNT's flying low over Ocean Drive between Port Macquarie and Lake Cathie early this morning, Subsequently more flying over my house at 1000 hrs at Lyndale St Port Macquarie
Tim Morris
Latham's Snipe
McPherson Rd Swamp, off Gavenlock Rd Tuggerah
Two Lathams Snipe flushed whilst visiting this site. Also seen was a Rufous Songlark and Black-shouldered Kite.
Deryk Engel and Stephen Bloomfield
Painted Button-quail
East Killara
One Painted Button-quail foraging out in the open in my backyard, Barrie Street, East Killara.
Kurtis Lindsay
Mon 24 Oct
White-browed Woodswallows, Masked Woodswallows
Kurri Kurri Woodland, Hunter Valley
Over 600+ White-browed Woodswallows and a few Masked Woodswallows were seen hawking over the area, with many birds also perched.
These birds have been in the area now for over 3 weeks.
Steve Roderick
White-necked Heron
Long Reef
A White-necked Heron flying over Long Reef late this morning, then circling high over the bay off Dee Why beach before heading inland. On the reef the usual culprits - large flock of Red-necked Stints, many Ruddy Turnstones, 7 Pacific Golden Plovers, 4 Grey-tailed Tattlers and 3 Sooty Oystercatchers. Wedgetailed Shearwaters, Fluttering Shearwaters and a few Short-tailed Shearwaters offshore.
Robert Griffin
Latham's Snipe
Mcphersons swamp Tuggerah
While checking McPhersons Road Swamp I flushed a Snipe and a Buff-banded Rail. Both were sighted on the McPherson road end of the swamp opposite the truss plant sheds.
Steve Honeywood
Sun 23 Oct
Orange Chat
Little Topar Lake
Orange Chat (7), between Roadhouse and lake, 2 males, 4 on the receeding edge of the lake
Terry Gourley
Greater & Lesser Sand Plovers
Shark Bay Rocks near Woody Head, Iluka
A flock of 42 Greater Sand Plovers together with 3 Pied Oystercatchers, 2 Grey-tailed Tattlers, 1 Lesser Sand Plover, 6 Ruddy Turnstones, 30 Red-necked Stints, Crested & Common Terns and a Brahminy Kite were on the rocks near the Shark Bay Picnic Area in Bunjalung NP.
Alan & Anne Morris, Barbara Melville & Liz Priestly
Plumed Whistling Ducks, Buff-banded Rail & Black-fronted Dotterel
Schwonberg St Townsend near Maclean
A flock of 60+ Plumed Whistling Ducks were seen roosting under paperbarks in a grazing paddock behind houses, off Schwongbergs lane, Townsend. Also present were Great, Intermediate & Cattle Egrets, a Buff-banded Rail, Striped Honeyeaters, 6 Black-fronted Dotterel, and Black Ducks, Wood Ducks and Grey Teal
Alan & Anne Morris, Andrew & Barbara Melville
White-throated Nightjar
Wild Dog Mtns, Blue Mtns N.P.
One flushed from high on ridge, Blue Dog Buttress @ c. 550m,
near Knight's Deck.
Also Cicadabird and White-winged Triller calling just before dusk, Galong Farm, bottom of Megalong Valley.
Ted Nixon
Painted Button-quail
Mount Keira
One bird seen on walking track on the southern side of mountain.
Terrill Nordstrom
Glossy Black Cockatoo
Georges Creek, Armidale Road, Upper Macleay Valley
7 Glossy Black Cockatoos present. Noisy Pitta also calling at dusk.
Tim Morris
Black-shouldered Kite
Surprized to see a Black-shouldered Kite high over Darling St mid-afternoon, heading north
Robert Griffin
Little Bittern/Black Bittern
Whilst doing bittern survey we had one Little and one Black Bittern calling from reed beds.
Keith Brandwood
Pacific Baza
Cappers Gully East Gosford
ind. observed foraging in mid canopy.
Warren Brown
Crescent Honeyeater
Bundanoon (Morton National Park)
One bird heard calling over an hour, before dusk, from Bonnie View's escarpment edge. Bird in forest near Lovers' Walk. This is my first record of a Crescent Honeyeater for the Southern Highlands. Additional highlights over 3 hrs at Bonnie View in checkered conditions (blue sky then sun-showers): Rockwarbler, Peregrine Falcon (I looked down on a flying, calling bird - a first - which was being shadowed, briefly, by a Pied Currawong), at least 5 Southern Boobooks, Pilotbirds, Superb Lyrebirds, a Gang-gang Cockatoo, a Black-faced Monarch and a Shining Bronze-cuckoo.
Lorne Johnson
Glossy Black-Cockatoo, Wompoo Fruit-Dove
Lower Pappinbarra
3 Glossy Blacks and several Wompoo Fruit-Doves
Ian Kerr
Sat 22 Oct
Royal Spoonbill & Great Egret nesting colony
Lawrence, Clarence Valley
A visit to the waterbird beeding colony, 1 km east of Lawrence on the Maclean Ferry Road found over 200 nesting pairs of Royal Spoonbills, 200 prs White Ibis nesting, c.30 pairs of Great Egret nests, as well as small numbers of Darters, Little Pied, Pied & Little Black Cormorants nesting, At least 4 Pink-eared Ducks were also seen, 3 Black-necked Storks nearby, Chestnut Teal with ducklings, Red-backed Fairy-wrens, Double-barred Finches and a Hobby
Alan Morris & 32 members of a CCGBNSW Camp-out
Wandering Whistling Duck
Tullymorgan, near Lawrence, Clarence Valley
A group of 72 Wandering Whistling Ducks seen on a private property dam from the edge of the road, just to the east of the village of Tullymorgan. Other birds present included Restless Flycatcher & White-throated Gerygone
Alan Morris & 32 members of a CCGBNSW Camp-out
Pacific baza
long neck lagoon
The Pacific baza was highup in the trees being harried by Bell Miners
Roger Williams
Thu 20 Oct
White-faced Storm-Petrel
A white-faced Storm-Petrel ended up on the balcony of Bondi RSL. Although not apparently injured and feeding enthusiastically, it unfortunately died 3 days later. It has ended its days at the Australian Museum, where it will contribute to the collection of bird skeletons.
Joan Dawes
Wed 19 Oct
Australian Little Bittern, Baillon's & Spotted Crakes, Wood Sandpiper
Lake Cargelligo Sewage Treatment Works
Australian Little Bittern (1) A female seen well on floating vegetation
Baillon's Crake 25+
Australian Spotted Crake 10+
Wood Sandpiper 1
Grant Brosie & Nick Livanos
Cotton Pygmy-Goose
Quarry lake, Ballina
Two male birds observed feeding in the reeds around the fringe of the Quarry Lake located to the north of the regional airport. (Moderator's Note: This is a great record, and is subject to confirmation by the NSWORAC)
Brendan Cook
Sun 16 Oct
Little Curlew
Lord Howe Island
1 Little Curlew was seen at the airport swamp from the 15th all the way through to the 21-10-2011, along with 3 Red Neck Stints, 8 Bar Tailed Godwits, 2 whimbrals, 16 Pacific Golden Plovers and lots of Ruddy Turnstones. and 1 Shinning Bronze cuckoo seen at the boat sheds on the 15th.
Brad gabriel
Sat 15 Oct
Northern Giant-petrel
Coogee Beach
A juvenile Northern Giant-petrel was found on the rocks at Coogee Beach. It has a leg injury and was taken to Taronga Zoo (who confirmed ID) for expert care.
Joan Dawes
Fri 7 Oct
Wood Sandpiper
Saratoga wetlands, Brisbane Water
A single Wood Sandpiper was seen and photographed (by Luke Skinner) feeding on the edge of the Saratoga Wetlands Reserve, that is part of Brisbane Water, a tidal estuary for the period 5-7 October 2011. This is a significant sighting because the bird was feeding in an estuarine area (normally they favour freshwater marshes), and it is the first record for the Central Coast (Gosford and Wyong LGAs).
Alan & Luke Skinner per Alan Morris
Tue 13 Sep
Eastern Yellow Robin
Mt Kaputar
Quite uncommon to be able to capture the bird with the brood patch so “open”.
Tom Oliver is Birds Australia Southern Queensland's Photo Group Moderator.
Tom Oliver via Dez Wells