
Shooting in NPs

To: "Mark and Mandy Young" <>
Subject: Shooting in NPs
From: Carl Clifford <>
Date: Mon, 15 Jun 2009 09:58:46 +1000
Mark et al,

A hand-written letter has much more impact, so if you can spare the time, that is the way to go. Also letters to the Leader of the Opposition can some times be more effective than ones to a Minister. Ministers have lists of "do not disturb' subjects, where letters are handled by staffers, so that the Minister can in all honesty say "I am sorry, but that correspondence was not brought to my attention".

Carl Clifford

On 14/06/2009, at 11:46 PM, Mark and Mandy Young wrote:

I think if we all took some time to look at what is being asked by the NSW Shooters Party in this bill, and what the impact that allowing such a bill to pass will mean, I can't see how we can sit back and not at the very least send an email to Carmel Tebbutt voicing our concerns that this bill is not
in the best interests of our native wildlife.

Mark Young


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