I purchased my binoculars and scope online from the U.S.A. I had been
purchasing other items in this manner for a few years so I guess I was
rather comfortable with the idea.
My Pentax bins came from a store selling through eBay. I bought these in
late 2005. Because the seller could not reduce the already wholesale price
(which turned out to be around $500 AuD at the time) he was throwing in a
pair of Burris binoculars for free as a "glovebox pair". Both sets of bins
were brand new and arrived quickly. They were paid for via Paypal.
I purchased my Nikon scope and Manfrotto tripod in February this year from
binoculars.com. The package with postage cost me about $700 AuD all up.
Again, postage was fast and the items were brand new and in excellent
condition. I believe this was a credit card purchase, but most legitimate
sites are secure in this regard so it didn't concern me.
If I'd purchased these items from Australia I'd easily have paid a few
hundred more for each item. I'm very happy with buying from overseas for