Hello Peter,
Thanks for raising this issue. I know little about this sort of
potential impact but offer the following thoughts.
In Victoria, for any habitat issue that may have an impact on plants or
animals, call the Department of Sustainability & Environment (DSE) call
centre on 136 186 and ask to be put through to the regional Flora and
Fauna Planner (in this case Geelong).
As you may have discovered there has been little work done on the impacts
of aircraft on birdlife in Australia. The following reports on this issue
have been provided to me by colleague Richard Boekel at the DSE Geelong
office. They may be available via inter library loan.
Ecology Australia (May 2000) Aircraft and Human Activity at Melaleuca and
the Orange-bellied Parrot (Neophema chrysogaster), Report prepared for
Parks & Wildlife Service Tasmania.
Ecology Australia (June 2001) Aircraft and Human Activity at Melaleuca and
the Orange-bellied Parrot (Neophema chrysogaster): The Effects of
Helicopters. Report prepared for Nature Conservation Branch, Dept Primary
Industries, Water & Environment , Hobart, Tasmania.
Synnot & Wilkinson (Feb 1996) Environmental Assessment Report - Airshows
Downunder 1997. Report prepared for Avalon Airport Geelong Ltd
cheers, Martin
Martin O'Brien
Wildlife Biologist - Threatened Species & Communities Section
Department of Sustainability and Environment
2/8 Nicholson St.,
East Melbourne 3002
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