"There are reasons for not having good bird habitat near airports. That is
not an anti conservation statement. There have been human fatalities &
planes lost due to bird strike, although I think only outside Australia. "
On Bird Strikes and Aircraft
In the 1980s (90s) here in the Northern Suburbs of Melbourne this was an oft
discussed topic. We live on the flightpath for both Tullamarine/Melbourne
Airport and Essendon Airport. Essendon saw much heavier traffic in those
days. To the north were (are) huge ex-basalt quarries which were used as the
municipal tips. In those days of poorer tip management and pre
recycling/composting/greenwaste campaigns and initiatives these tips were
full of huge quantities of exposed food scraps. Morning and night our skies
were full of huge flocks of Silver Gulls travelling between their bayside
roosts and daytime tip feeding grounds.
The birds flew N-S, the planes went E-W.
Ian Temby working in what is now DSE did a lot of work back then on the
(plane-birdstrike) topic. It is probably all pre WWW so would have to be
sourced in libraries.
I don't think any planes crashed around here due to birdstrikes but birds
were killed and engines are damaged by these encounters.
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