The male Northern Shoveler was back in view yesterday (Sunday), this time on
Lake Borrie pond 9 with the dead trees. It was seen well by several people in
late morning and throughout the afternoon (including me this time!!). It spent
most time just out from the dead trees, first at the north and then at the
south-west side of pond 9. It was always among the vast duck flock but acted
independently from other birds, sometimes taking flight alone and landing in
another part of the flock. It was always close to Pink-eared Ducks and
Australasian Shoveler but not associating with individuals. The Pink-eared
Ducks were flighty (mainly in response to Swamp Harriers) but the Shovelers much
less so. So by driving and walking quietly and staying close to cars, it is
possible to cause little disturbance at this site. The Northern stands out well
in good light, so the best bet is to view from several angles until you find it.
The only time it is not obvious is when it is facing directly away, so viewing
ducks side-on is best. Usual protocols re permits etc. Good luck: it is a fine
bird! Cheers, Richard.
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