> Bob Forsyth wrote:
> He (presumably) would bring up his food by raising his head, stretch
> his neck, and then drop his head onto its chest...and repeating it
> until he had enough food to pass over to his mate.
> My home reference library has not helped me locate any info whether
> this practice has been observed before. Presumably aviary bird's would
> not have to do this ?
This is very common behaviour in aviary birds, of most species from
budgies upwards, and not just Cloncurry's. In many species only the
female will feed the babies and the male will pass food on to the female
by regurgitating. It is also a common part of pre-breeding courtship
behaviour, and is often the first indicator that a pair of parrots are
coming into breeding condition.
A surprising number of wild behaviours are still to be found in captive
bred aviary parrots, even after many sucessive generations of captive
Mike Owen
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