On Sat, 20 May 2000, Harry Clarke wrote:
> It is good to see Birds Australia take the Gluepot and Newhaven =
> initiatives. I will make a Newhaven contribution and gain a warm inner =
> glow. But what about dramatic action? I think John Wamsley raised $12 =
> million in his recent public float of Earth Sanctuaries Ltd. This would =
> buy around 17 Newhavens.
John Walmsley has been very successful at raising money. My reading
of http://www.esl.com.au/AR-Report.htm is that, John Walmsley and his
partner Proo Geddes now hold shares in Earth Sanctuaries Ltd. with a
paper worth of $20,000,000.
I am concerned at the claims Earth Sanctuaries Ltd. makes to raise this
For example currently at http://www.esl.com.au/savewildlife.htm you can
find a claim that Australia has lost 2 mammal species in the wild in the
last ten years - the Rufous Hare Wallaby and the Eastern Barred Bandicoot.
However I believe both are extant in the wild, the Eastern Barred
Bandicoot in Tasmania and the Rufous Hare Wallaby on islands off WA.
In the past ESL or John Walmsley has claimed:
"Over half the world's endangered mammal species are Australian"
"Australia is losing mammal species at an increasing rate"
"Australia is presently losing a mammal species, in the wild, each year."
The sources I've seen indicate the above three claims are also incorrect.
Personally, I believe Birds Australia should make only careful claims
to fund conservation efforts, as it has in the past.
Maybe I'm its because I'm a mindless dumb-assed
buy-it-and-leave-it greenie but ESL's cashflow statement at
http://www.esl.com.au/AR-Cashflows.htm doesn't suggest large net income
http://www.esl.com.au/how.htm, suggests ESL's biggest sources of income
are sales of food & beverage (~40%) and donations (~20%). This doesn't
offer much inspiration for Birds Australia funding Newhaven. Its remote
location will surely limit visitor numbers and hence possible income
from food & beverage sales and visitor donations.
Andrew Taylor
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