Hi everyone
I few months ago I requested information on GPS units, Paul Taylor kindly
provided a useful response as to features to look
out for, and I have now received my Magellan GPS 315. I?ve started playing
with it and making my way through the manual.
The manual however only explains how to display things on screens etc. It
doesn?t actually explain ?how to navigate? or what
some of the terminology means. For example, it has several screens including a
compass and a depiction of a road but nothing
about ?how to use? these screens to, eg, get to where you want to go.
It is also full of terminology such as heading, bearing etc. with no
explanation of what these are. There even appears to be
a difference between latitude/longitude in DEG/MIN.MM format and DEG/MIN/SEC
format. For atlassing, is True North or
Magnetic North the best GPS setting? Etc. Etc.
Rather than just use the GPS only to find latitude/longitude for a birding
atlas sheet (or Easting/Northing for record card
for Atlas of NSW Wildlife under NPWS), I would like to learn more about the
other functions within the gadget.
Can anyone please recommend a good but simple, plain English and inexpensive
book on the subject?
Irene Denton
Concord West, 12 km from Sydney city, NSW, Australia
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