Hi Laurie,
>While I remember, I was doing a walk round the Ballow region a couple of
>weeks ago [with my wife and a friend]. We came across a very big
>collection of satin bowerbirds around Yamahra Ck - just downstream from
>Graces Hut [all sorts of for sale signs up if anyone is interested].
>Half a dozen bowerbirds would fly across the creek, followed shortly
>after by another half dozen, followed by a dozen, then another half
>dozen. Definitely 20-30 in the group. Is this apostlebird-like
>congregating common in satin bowerbirds?
I checked up on this very thing during the winter when I was seeing
congregations of Satins at home, and yes, it would seem it IS normal
behaviour. Pizzey refers to winter flocks of 20 - 50+.
On the subject of the whipbirds, I would suggest that in this very wet year
there is more habitat available to them. I have at home a pair which took
up residence for the first time on 26/12/98, and to my surprise have
remained. I notice that when it is very wet they expand their regular
territory to include the surrounds of the house, but when it begins to dry
up they tend to withdraw to the creekline area.
Jill Dening
Sunshine Coast, Qld
26º 51' 152º 56'
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