Ros Laundon asked for information about these for QOSI. I have replied to
the list as I think it is of interest to many people. I certainly would
like to hear of other regional guides.
I can highly recommend the following :
van Delft, Ron & Birds Australia WA Group (1997), Birding Sites Around
Perth, University of Western Australia Press, Second (Revised) Edition
There are similar books for Sydney, and Jo Wienecke has published a book
for Townsville, and there is a book for the Northern Territory. There is
also an excellent book for Lord Howe Island. Lloyd Nielsen's book on the
Cairns area is another must. Sorry that I don't have full references for
each of these.
The following may be too specific a locality. I can get a contact for
Perry if anyone is interested, or it can be purchased from the Birds
Australia WA Group office.
Saunders, Denis & de Rebeira, Perry (1985), The Birdlife of Rottnest
Island, privately published (second edition available)
The Birds Australia WA Group has published a series of country brochures
for 30 to 40 shires in WA. These are mostly single A4 sheets printed
double-sided. These are free from the WA Group headquarters near Perry
Lakes, although I recommend leaving a donation. I would highly recommend a
full set of these that members can photocopy before they travel to WA.
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