>Satin Bowerbirds are also attracted to yellow objects, and I have been
>wondering whether yellow rings could also be a problem. Does anyone have
>any experience of this?
Satin Bowerbirds are fussy when it comes to colours. They seem to collect
things which match the colours of the blue male and their choice of yellow
is thought to match the bill colour which is pale greenish-yellow. The
outer layers of onions are a common choice. Happily, they don't seem
attracted to the garishly meretricious yellow plastics that manufacturers
use to seduce us with their offerings.
Which begs the question about Regent and Golden Bowerbirds. I haven't seen
the bower of a Regent and the only Golden one I have seen was reasonably
far from civilisation (outside Paluma near Townsville). The only
decorations there were lichens and the pale flowers of native orchids.
Very tasteful, I though.
Regards, Ian
Dr Ian Montgomery,
Institute of Marine Ecology, A11, University of Sydney, NSW 2006.
Phone: (+61-2) 9351 4786; Fax: (+61-2) 9351 6713; Home phone: (+61-2) 9818
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