Dear Nancy,
The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service has issued a number of
circulars to Wildlife Carer Groups and Aviculturalists etc concerning
the Newcastle Disease outbreak.I suggest that you contact Jeff Hardy,
NPWS for further details Tel 02 9585 6444. In a circular sent to
Wildlife Carer Groups last Friday 25/9/98 it says ;
...The movement restrictions under the Exotic Diseases of Animals Act,
1991 in the Sydney area for birds (cage, avairy, and pet birds; backyard
and fancy poultry, racing & fancy pigeons, and all other captive birds)
are as follows:
Within 3km zone of each of the identified outbreaks zones (area 1
including Colebee, Doonside (north of the railway line), Glendenning,
Hassell Grove, Marayong,Marsdebn Park, Oakhurst, Plumbton, Quakers Hill,
Schofields, and Shane Park; and Area 2: including Arcadia, Galston,
Glenorie, Hillside & Middle Dural);
* Avoid unnecessaary movements within and into the zones
* keeps birds confined
* movement out of zone banned
* pigeon training and racing banned
* bird shows and exhibitions banned
* report any unusual illness or deaths to a vet or NSW Agriculture
The restricted area - effectively the rest of the Cumberland Basin
(basically the area bounded by the Hawkesbury/Nepean River System south
to Camden and then east to the Pacific Ocean):
* avoid unnecessary movemnts within and into the Zone
* Movement out of the zone, subject to a permit issued by the Dept of Ag
* keep birds confined as much as possible
* pigeon training - minimise
* pigeon racing - banned
* bird shows and exhibition banned
* report any unusal illness or deaths to a vet.
In a Gosford paper on Friday, the local Federal MP blamed "migratory
birds" of spreading the disease to Blacktown and Glenorie! Did he have
the White-throated Gerygone in mind!!
Alan Morris