My partner and I spent a month birdwatching in Kenya and we just hired a
car and birded by ourselves. Roads are quite poor compared to here and we
had planned to spend 2 wks in Uganda after Kenya but I got so sick of
driving on those roads that I could not face more dirty road travel in
Uganda so we went to Gambia in western Africa instead.
We camped almost the whole time in Kenya including bush camping in out of
the way places. I presume your going to the Ruwenzoris to look at the
gorillas and the birding is meant to be very good in that area. In fact,
Uganda has almost as many bird species as Kenya and a quarter of the land
area. I'd recommend that you spend more time there after visiting the
gorillas and before you head back to Tanzania. There is quite a lot of good
birding info around for eastern Africa with several trip reports and Nigel
Wheatley's book "Where to watch birds in Africa" which details a number of
good sites in each country.
Well-known sites in Kenya include Kakamega Forest, Lake Naivasha, Samburu
NP, Sokoko and Kieni Forests. We visited all of them plus some others and
really enjoyed the birding and the people in Kenya. You can see other
wildlife along the way and the weather should be fine at that time too.
David Milton
336 Prout Rd.,
Burbank 4156
"An ivory-breasted pitta a day would keep me happy."