We went in September 96. Kenya, Zimbabwe, Botswana. It is a birdwatcher's
paradise, much to the chagrin of my fellow travellers who just wanted to see
big animals. I got some truly beautiful photos (shot over 1200, you'd
expect so). We were only there for 4 weeks.
We went with Cheli and Peacock in Kenya and the main guide was a birder and
as fanatical as I. We would stalk a bird while everyone else siesta'd.
They aren't cheap so can't really help too much with the travel, but I did
pick up what is regarded as the definitive reference for SE Africa.
Birds of Kenya and Northern Tanzania, by Zimmerman, Turner and Pearson.
Russell Friedman books, ISBN 1-875091-04-1.It is a big heavy book but is a
fantastic reference, not a pcket sized field guide. I picked up my copy in
Nairobi. Forgotten the bookstore, but there is a 'book area' of town and I
picked it up in the largest of them. Any hotel you stay at can get you
For a bit of a taste I have some of the better photos on my web site, along
with my 'bird diary' that started me on a life list. Sorry about the
shameless plug there. Follow the Photography link to Africa and thence to
Eric Hocking "A closed mouth gathers no feet."
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