Hi Martin,
Not answering your question at all I know.... but have you considered the M=
ixerFace R4r? It ticks a lot of boxes.
From: <> o=
n behalf of micro Phonic [naturerecordists] <naturer=
Sent: 11 September 2019 00:09
To: <>
Subject: [Nature Recordists] Mix Pre3 or Zoom?
Please excuse me indulging in some thinking out loud. Anyone ever struggled=
over the choice below? Would be glad to hear from you.
Time to move on from my Roland R05, out of the world of hand held recorders=
into the world of XLR and better pre-amps I think. Everything beginning to=
sound like a fry up.
Two recommends, he says :SD Mix Pre3 and Zoom F4. What kind of recordist ar=
e you he asks. I like to travel light and discreet. Not one to lug about bo=
om poles and complex arrays. Not yet maybe. I like to carry my gear in a bl=
ack ex camera bag, holds recorder, mics, batteries, the lot.
Mix Pre 3 would suit, he says,' toss it into a bag'says theSD web page. At =
=80700 I would hesitate before tossing it anywhere. But I like recording th=
e really quiet stuff,and water I say.
Excellent pre amps, he says. Ok so far, I think. Batteries, I ask. Well... =
he deliberates, then talks about battery packs, sleds, chargers. The cost i=
s mounting. Not forgetting if I 'throw' it into an Orca bag, more money.
So Zoom comes in at around =80500.Pre amps still excellent he says. I am mo=
re taken by the cool promotion on You Tube, guy going through the corn fiel=
d, with his Zoom. Where I come from, there are no fields like that. But sti=
ll cheaper, I think,though the Orca bag is over =80200.Hmm...What do you wa=
nt, he asks. Quality? Next best thing? Meanwhile I am bleary from overdosin=
g on You Tube :reviews'. I have been reading the manuals online when I shou=
ld have been sleeping.
Now I should be sleeping and I am writing this.
Make up your mind Martin, he says.